Floods, like any hazard, have many impacts on society. The impacts can affect the environment, the economy and people. Some impacts can be beneficial, but a majority of them can have serious repercussions to society.


Floods can have a devastating impact on the environment which they affect. Flood waters can contaminate the water which we drink on a daily basis. They can also cause unhygienic conditions which can lead to water-borne diseases. It can cause flora such as trees to die from suffocation from all the water if they are non-tolerant species.

When floods occur, the economy suffers greatly. This is because when there are floods they cause destruction to farming areas, homes, offices and shopping centres among many other infrastructures. This mass destruction leads to enormous rebuilding costs as well as food shortage.
For example, the 2010-2011 floods in Queensland were estimated to cost the Australian economy approximately $10 billion. Food costs went up around Australia, causing some everyday items such as fruits and vegetables to become very expensive. Prime Minister Julia Gillard imposed a flood levy across Australia that was set up to help fund reconstruction works.

The most obvious impacts on society as a result of floods is loss of life, as well as permanent injury or illness or losing your home, business and income.
As of 28 January 2011, 35 deaths had been reported as a result of the catastrophic floods in Queensland. Along with this, 9 people were missing. One death was reported from the 2011 floods that occurred in Victoria.
The floods in both Queensland and Victoria prevented residents to move around as normal because roads and footpaths were inaccessible. People's homes were destroyed leaving the residents unable to access any of their personal items.

Floods can cause devastating impacts to the environment, economy and people, as those who have been victims of a flooding will know.